Violence Against Women and Girls
Violence against women and girls is one of the most prevalent human rights violations globally, directly affecting 1 in 3 women and girls around the world.
Minority groups face additional barriers in leaving abusive relationships and reporting them.
The ending Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) programme focuses on prevention, challenging gender inequality and the attitudes, values and structures that cause violence against women and girls.
We deliver educational workshops to Muslim and BME women and men in Scotland exploring healthy relationships, intergenerational trauma, and general awareness raising of ending violence against women issues, and also provide training to community groups on gender-based violence, specifically those affecting Muslim and BME women the most.
“There wasn’t a dry eye when the names were being read out (during the exhibition). We need more opportunities to remember those women who were silenced in their life. Thank you for organising.”
Some of our programmes are:

Amina deliver workshops to Muslim women and men exploring intergenerational trauma, healthy relationships, and dispelling misunderstandings and myths from a faith perspective.

Our youth programme Upward: Young Women on the Rise provided young BME and Muslim women an insight into the women's sector and ending violence against women issues.

Amina is partnering with Glasgow Women’s Library to design and deliver an ongoing series workshops to community groups in Scotland. These have covered subjects including Intergenerational Trauma, Extended Family Abuse, and other subjects around Gender based violence.

Our Campaign on Intimate Image Abuse. For Muslim & BME women, intimate images could include photos of their bodies (such as their legs) or hair. Fill in the survey to inform our research.

Our Campaign page highlights our recent projects, which help to prevent Violence Against Women & Girls.

We offer training to agencies and services, providing insights into the impact of abuse on Muslim and BME women, the challenges they face in accessing services, and how services can overcome those barriers.