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uni to work

From University to the World of Work

April 2, 2019
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By: Tomiwa Folorunso June 2017. I was sitting in a park in London with my best friend, the day after the second interview for a graduate job that I had my heart and soul set on when I found out my degree classification. A 2:1 in History from the University of Edinburgh. Relief, I shrieked,…


Calling all Aspiring Entrepreneurs!

April 2, 2019
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By: Usman Majid Tell us a bit about Deenspiration and how this process came about? “Deenspiration basically came of the back of a project called Ramadan Legacy, which was an app that a team and I made together to help people perform worship in Ramadan. So the idea of creating a platform which is very…

Unleash your potential

Unleash your true potential

March 28, 2019
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By: Farah Khan How many times have you heard someone complaining about their job? How many times have you heard someone fantasize about starting a business from home? Who wants to grow old full of regrets about their career choices? No one! Do you have what it takes to turn your hobby or passion into…

Amina Volunteers Full 2018

Volunteering…It will benefit you, trust me

March 28, 2019
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By: Issmat Ahmad And…ACTION! In my few years of experience, I have realised one of many things – firstly that my passion won’t come to me if I just think hard enough (and believe me, I tried!) And two, discovering my potential will only surface from experimenting, and volunteering became the gateway for this to…


A journey into blogging

March 28, 2019
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By: Faiza Yousaf My journey into blogging started through, what was at that time, a fairly traumatic event in my life.  The end of my marriage as a result of infidelity led me on a path to find others who had gone through a similar experience and who understood the emotional roller coaster I was…


February 20, 2019
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In celebration of International Women’s Day 2019, Zero Tolerance, AMINA The Muslim Women’s Resource Centre, The Church of Scotland and Summerhall ask you to join us in our new campaign #AnyWomanAnywhere to increase awareness and understanding of violence against women. We’re hosting a series of events at Summerhall, including a photography exhibition, workshops, talks and…

zero tolerance of fgm

Zero Tolerance for FGM

February 6, 2019
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The UN has declared February 6th International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation. You can find more information about this day here Female genital mutilation is a form of violence against women and girls that can cause great harm and suffering, both short-term and long-term. The Scottish Government has been consulting with…

It's Not Ok!

It’s Not Ok!

February 4, 2019
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4th – 10th FEBRUARY 2019 is sexual abuse and sexual violence awareness week. Many people, especially students and other young people, are speaking out and saying ‘It’s not ok’ because together, we can ensure nobody thinks it’s societally acceptable to commit these crimes. Find out more and download a resource pack on the campaign website:…

World Hijab Day

February 1, 2019
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World Hijab Day happens every year on 1st February. When you look on the campaign website you can find images of Scottish politicians supporting this initiative. Labour MSP Anas Sarwar says ‘I support #WorldHijabDay because it’s a woman’s right to choose.’ Hijab simply refers to a barrier, or to modesty and everyone’s personal interpretation of…

16 days of activism

The 16 Days of Activism

November 27, 2018
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The 16 days of activism to end violence against women and girls fall between the 25th of November and the 10th of December. This year, the theme is ‘Orange the World’, to raise money for organisations working to support women and girls, and to challenge violence against them. Often, themes tie in with human rights issues and how…