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Blogs and Articles

My journey: schools volunteer

June 9, 2017
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My name is Zaitoon Salamat and I have been an Amina MWRC volunteer since August 2015. I first decided to become a part of the volunteer’s project as a means of doing something out-with my usual routine of looking after my children and being a housewife.  I started off with the impression that I would…

Hopscotch launch

HOPSCOTCH Film launch

June 2, 2017
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A film by Roxana Vilk based on Nadine Aisha’s poem ‘Hopscotch’ What happens when you walk down the street…if you’re a young woman of colour…who may or may not wear a hijab? ‘Hopscotch’ produced by Amina – Muslim Women’s Resource Centre with support from Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre, explores just that. A film poem based on the true account of…

Statement – Take Ownership Funding

May 3, 2017
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Official statement – Take Ownership Funding Amina is a national organisation which annually works with 4000+ Muslim and Minority Ethnic women, providing a range of services and support across Scotland through our three office bases in Glasgow, Edinburgh and Dundee. We pride ourselves on putting the needs of Muslim women first and work tirelessly to…

Liberty is for all, not just those who feel safe at night

November 23, 2016
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The Reclaim the Night march has been defined as “marches, which protested the right of all women to have the freedom to go where they wanted without having to restrict their movements to accommodate the threat of sexual violence”. The movement originated in the 1970s. Peter Sutcliffe was murdering women and this led to women in…

KnoW More Muslims

November 2, 2016
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‘Get the dirty p@ki b@st@rds’, he commanded now only inches away from the front of the car, looking straight at me with so much fury and hatred in his eyes. The fawn coloured pit bull was on my side, the driver’s side, and was furiously barking whilst scratching away at the door. The metal lead…

Let’s Not Cover This Up

August 8, 2016
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Amina’s CEO discusses the recent events in France with the ban of the burqini.

Traditionally Submissive

August 8, 2016
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‘Traditionally Submissive’ women took to twitter on Sunday night to challenge the stereotypical view of Muslim women.