Female Empowerment: Looking After Me Big Give Matchfunding Campaign
During Autumn 2022 Amina MWRC carried out an online match funding campaign through the Big Give. Our supporters dug deep to raise over £18,500 -an incredibly generous amount to enable Amina’s vital services to continue supporting Muslim and BME women in Scotland.
The Big Give pledged to match all donations to Amina MWRC. So, during the campaign period of 26th September to 8th November every pound that was donated to Amina MWRC was match funded by the Big Give. This meant that all donations made to the campaign had double the impact.
As a charity led by, for and with women and girls, the Big Give supported Amina’s digital giving campaign. The Big Give is a registered charity and the UK’s number 1 online match funding platform.
Thanks to funding from DCMS’ Tampon Tax, the Big Give Women and Girls Fund supports charities working to improve the lives of vulnerable, disadvantaged or underrepresented women and girls in England and Scotland throughout 2022.