Helpline 1

Sahara Scotland Casework Referral

Sahara Scotland Self Referral Form

Client (Your) Details


It is safe to contact you:

Please note date format dd/mm/yyyy
DD slash MM slash YYYY

Key Service Criteria

To provide one to one confidential support, advocacy, assistance, and information to any BME / Muslim woman in Scotland for whom any three of the following apply:

  • experiencing or at risk of domestic abuse.
  • women experiencing poor or worsening mental health.
  • women with insecure immigration status and no recourse to public funds.

Any support you are currently receiving from other organisations. Any further relevant supporting information regarding this referral (including a brief history of any mental health issues, experience of domestic abuse or immigration issues and what support you have received to date.)

If you require a worker who speaks a language other than English, please specify here: (* Please note, while Amina volunteers speak a range of community languages, we may not be able to accommodate all requests)

DD slash MM slash YYYY