We’re excited to announce that our Never Allowed campaign on Extended Family Abuse is a Finalist for SCVO’s Scottish Charity Awards – but we need your help to win! Vote for Never Allowed as Scottish Charity Campaign of the Year! Find out more about the Award here.
Voting closes on Friday, 24th May.
In November we launched Never Allowed, our campaign for 16 Days of Action against gender-based violence, conducted in partnership with Syma Ahmed, BME Development Officer at Glasgow Women’s Library.
The campaign drew on our research on In-Law Abuse. Throughout out research, the recurring phrase “I was Never Allowed” prompted our digital campaign, highlighting coercive control and abuse that BME women in Scotland have experienced from their in-laws.
Read about the campaign here.
Hate Crime Awareness Work
Sometimes victims or witnesses of hate crime don’t feel comfortable reporting the incident to the police. They might be more comfortable reporting it to someone they know. Police Scotland works in partnership with a number of organisations and groups, to take reports, known as third party reporting centres.
Amina is a Third Party Reporting centre. Our staff have been trained to recognise hate crimes and help a victim or witness to submit a report to the police.
You should tell the police if you think it happened because of disability, race, religion or sexual orientation discrimination. It may even be a combination of these things. Hate Crime is wrong, it is against the law, and everyone has the right to live safely and without fear. No two individuals are ever the same – embrace individuality and help put an end to Hate crime by reporting it.
Report a hate crime by:
- Calling 999 (emergency) or 101 (non-emergency)
- Going in person to any Police station
- Reporting a Crime to Police Scotland by clicking on this link: https://www.scotland.police.uk/secureforms/c3/
Amina has been involved in Hate Crime work for many years from providing training to responding to policy briefings. If you are interested in receiving training on Hate Crime, please email helpline@mwrc.org.uk.
If you would like Amina to come to your organisation to deliver Hate Crime training to your team, please email info@mwrc.org.uk.
View the Scottish Governments Hate Crime and Public Order Bill (Scotland) Information Note here.
View Amina’s response to the Hate Crime and Public Order Bill here.
Nationality and Borders Bill
Amina has been campaigning for the rights of Muslim and BME women which includes speaking out against inhumane policies being proposed by the government. We utilise our social media to raise awareness of issues affecting our client base, including the Nationality and Borders Bill.
Amina has delivered a range of training packages for various organisations ranging from Hate Crime Train the Trainer training, Intersectionality in Recruitment and Retention to Culturally and Religious Sensitive Bereavement training.
We can offer bespoke packages tailored to suit your organisational needs. If this is something you would like to discuss with a member of staff, please email info@mwrc.org.uk.