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Website user survey

Why do you visit our website? What information do you search for in our website? To tell us about you and how you use our website, please complete our survey about who uses the website and how we can make it better.

Amina MWRC website user survey September 2024

Amina launched our new website in June 2023. This survey is for all users of the website to tell Amina about your experiences and preferences.

"*" indicates required fields

What is your sex?*
Amina’s services are for Muslim and Ethnic Minority Women
In what capacity do you visit our website?*
please put in order of preference, with most used option at the top
  • Desktop / Laptop
  • Smartphone
  • Tablet
How often do you visit the Amina website?*
Very unlikelyUnlikelyNeutralLikelyVery likely
Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly agree
Are you able to see and use weblinks easily on the webpages?*

Please give feedback about images (photos and graphics) you see on the sections that you visit on the website
What services or programmes have you accessed from Amina?*
Please select all that apply
This could be about content and / or design
Did you know that Amina information is also available on social media pages? Please tell us the online places you visit to find information about us and our services.*
please select all options that apply.