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ESOL: Hello to New Beginnings!

1st October 2024

by Sonya Nemec, ESOL Conversation Tutor

Goodbye to an ESOL era, and hello to new beginnings!

Four years and a few months ago, the world changed. People were confined to their homes and learning went online. For children and students used to getting out and about in order to get an education, this was life changing – and not always in a good way.

For some women though, learning from home opened up a world of opportunity and social inclusion. Amina were quick to respond to those strange Covid-19 times and arranged two ESOL classes a week, using that little-known-at-the-time service called Zoom.

Four years and a few months later, what’s the result? Well, I could offer a long list of women who have gone on to further education, passed an impressive array of English language tests (including the scarily difficult IELTS exam!), secured paid employment and taken on volunteering opportunities. If I’ve played a wee part in these achievements, then that makes me glow with pride. I’ll tell you what makes me burst with pride though is the brilliant community of amazing women we’ve gathered together. Women from all over Scotland who would never have met if it hadn’t been for Amina. That also includes women who discovered they were actual neighbours!

It’s said that all good things must come to an end. I’m not sure who said that or why it should be true, but it generally is. Times change, priorities change, and people change. People can’t be expected to access education via Zoom classes anymore, can they? Why not? If you’re a woman with childcare commitments, caring responsibilities; or without the cash, accessibility or opportunity to attend physical classes, Zoom is still that important key to a world where learning and friendships can flourish.

It’s also said that a change is as good as a rest. So, the Amina ESOL Zoom classes are having a short rest before returning at the start of October. The change part means there will only be one session a week and the content will be more conversation based. The friendship and the support part won’t change though!

A massive thank you to all the wonderful women who have attended the ESOL Zoom classes over the years, and also to Amina for keeping our community going. Here’s to new beginnings!

Register here for the First Conversational ESOL session, to be held on Thursday, 3rd October 2024.